ALPHA Fashion Show Summer/Spring 2015



11 Maret 2015, i have an honor to be a Master of Ceremony in this event. Alpha Fashion Show 2015!

The show was fabulous and amazing. Those are some photos that i captured in there. 

I never get sucha job like this. Actually, i was getting weird and nervous because i never go to a place like that. I am an engineer yang notabene kehidupan kami cukup keras. Haha. Lirik ke depan, kanan, kiri, dan belakang isinya laki-laki semua. So, sometimes our habit and performance are............. you know exactly the next word of that statement. LOL

So, seperti biasa, as a professional MC, before you take the job, you need to meet the client. Why???
Kita perlu untuk mengetahui spesifikasi rundown acara seperti apa dan bertanya selengkap-lengkapnya. Miranti Faturachman, sebut saja dia Miranti, one of Raffles Design Institute student. Dia sedang menjalankan ujian akhir atau ibarat kata, skripsi. Namun karena menggeluti dunia fashion, so fashion show is the final project of her degrees. seru ya? oh my God, you wouldn't believe how's the effort. Then, we met up at Grand Indonesia to discuss about the event. 

This event was being held in Artotel Hotel Jakarta

There were 11 brands that would be in the fashion show. They are :

1. Navy by Sella Sutjiatma
2. Camaieu by Laurencia Kurniawan
3. Tara by Miranti Faturachman
4. Tash by Natasha Tolib
5. GRKC by Grace Kelly
6. Too-ton by Iris Primuharko
7. Boho Hobo by Jay Robert
8. Siren by Stella Kwan
9. Addictease by Kelly Beatrix

Yap that's all of the Brands.

And what's the next amazing part was THE VIP GUESTS! Guess who?
They were
  1. Olivia Lazuardi (fashion blogger) 
  2. Anastasia Siantar (blogger)
  3. Rahajeng Puspitasari ( fashion editor DEW magazine)
  4. Prisca Andrian ( Putri Pariwisata 2014 )
  5. Michelle Hendra (Blogger)
  6. Vania Larissa (Miss Indonesia 2013)
  7. Cathy Sie ( Blogger)
That's why i love my Job hahahahhaa. I can meet a lot of important and interesting people.

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 Olivia Lazuardi 

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Anastasia Siantar

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Michelle Hendra

Vania Larissa Miss Indonesia 2013

Prisca Andrian, Putri Pariwisata 2014

They are all fabulous and i cant imagine at all that i were on stage MC-ing this Fashion Show.

And this is The lecture in Raffless Design Institute. He is Phillipines. Mr. Eli Gonzales. An expertise in Fashion

Umm.... that's their lecture. I know exactly what's your opinion about him, ladies :)

I arrived at Artotel about 12 am. Then i am being touched up by NYX! :) one of the sponsor of this event. my favorite make up brand. peek-a-boo! feels like a cinderella

And those are my documentations during the fashion show.

the best part of the MC is free merchandise!!!!! lol :") i brought 2 goody bags. love that so much. All of women should get jealous of me

Nindya Sulistyani

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